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You searched for: horror stories

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  • Woman is shocked by pile of books on top of man but it’s just bookstore’s new horror display.
  • A cartoonist's campfire scary story is where a joke has no punchlines.
  • A Christmas tree tells horror stories about being cut down in front of a campfire.
  • Sand tells horror stories from the beach.
  • Turkeys tell a story of a ghost turkey that looks for his head.
  • The Headless Horseman likes horror stories involving pumpkins.
  • Stephen King likes when the cursor becomes a severed hand on the internet.
  • Teeth tell horror stories about the Tooth Fairy.
  • Humpty Dumpty demands a specialist when he falls off the wall, but doesn't get one.
  • Godzilla gets writer's cramp after eating Stephen King.
  • A cat reads a horror story called "For Whom the Can Opener Tolls" to his kids.
  • A penguin tells a horror story about the suits penguins wore in the 70s.

You searched for: horror stories